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August 30, 2023

Musical Webs: The Art of Scoring Spider-Man with John Paesano

When Insomniac Games set out to develop their ambitious Spider-Man series for PlayStation, they knew that capturing the essence of such a beloved superhero would require more than just stellar gameplay and stunning visuals. The music, too, needed to be exceptional, serving not only as a backdrop for Spider-Man’s adventures but also as a narrative force in its own right. Enter John Paesano, the award-winning composer tasked with this monumental challenge. His scores for the PlayStation Spider-Man games have become some of the most iconic and celebrated in the video game industry, thanks to his unique focus on melodies and storytelling through music.

The Challenge of Scoring for a Superhero

Scoring for a superhero game is a delicate balancing act. The music must be dynamic and energetic to match the action-packed sequences while also being capable of conveying the emotional depth of the characters and their stories. For John Paesano, this meant creating a soundscape that could seamlessly transition from high-octane chase scenes to quiet, reflective moments, all while maintaining a cohesive musical identity.

Paesano’s journey with Spider-Man began with the 2018 release of the first PlayStation game, where he was tasked with capturing the essence of Peter Parker. Known for his ability to write memorable melodies and emotionally resonant scores, Paesano approached this project with a clear vision: to create a musical narrative that would evolve alongside the character.

Crafting Heroic and Lyrical Themes

One of the standout features of Paesano’s work on Spider-Man is his use of strong, memorable themes. The main theme for Peter Parker’s Spider-Man is a prime example. This theme, introduced in the first game, features soaring strings, powerful brass, and rhythmic percussion that together evoke a sense of heroism and adventure. It’s a theme that immediately resonates with players, encapsulating the spirit of Spider-Man and his never-give-up attitude.

For “Spider-Man: Miles Morales,” released in 2020, Paesano faced the challenge of creating a distinct musical identity for a new Spider-Man. Miles Morales brings a different background and perspective to the role, and Paesano’s score reflects this. He seamlessly blended orchestral elements with hip-hop and urban beats, crafting a soundscape that is both contemporary and timeless. This fusion not only highlights Miles’ individuality but also underscores his journey from an inexperienced teenager to a confident hero.

The Narrative Power of Music

A hallmark of Paesano’s work is his ability to tell stories through music. In the Spider-Man games, he used leitmotifs – recurring musical themes associated with specific characters or ideas – to enrich the narrative. These motifs provided players with an auditory cue that subtly conveyed the underlying emotional currents and character developments. Whether it was the tension-filled sequences during boss battles or the poignant moments of loss and reflection, Paesano’s music amplified the storytelling, drawing players deeper into the game’s world.

For instance, Peter Parker’s theme evolves throughout the game, reflecting his growth and the challenges he faces. In moments of triumph, the theme is bold and triumphant; in moments of doubt, it becomes more subdued and introspective. This musical evolution mirrors Peter’s journey, making the player’s connection to the character even more profound.

Similarly, in “Miles Morales,” the music adapts to Miles’ growth. His theme starts with a sense of youthful exuberance and uncertainty, gradually becoming more confident and heroic as he embraces his role as Spider-Man. This narrative-driven approach to scoring ensures that the music is always aligned with the story, enhancing the overall experience.

The Role of Collaboration

Creating such an impactful score is not a solitary endeavor. Paesano’s work on the Spider-Man games involved close collaboration with the development team at Insomniac Games. From the early stages of development, he was deeply involved in the creative process, ensuring that the music would seamlessly integrate with the gameplay and narrative.

Paesano worked closely with the game’s directors, writers, and sound designers to understand the emotional beats and narrative arcs of the story. This collaborative approach allowed him to tailor his compositions to the specific needs of each scene, whether it was a heart-pounding chase through the streets of New York or a quiet moment of introspection on a rooftop.

Technical Brilliance and Innovation

In addition to his melodic and narrative strengths, Paesano’s scores for the Spider-Man games are also notable for their technical brilliance. The orchestration is rich and detailed, with each instrument carefully chosen to enhance the overall sound. The integration of live orchestral recordings with electronic elements adds a modern edge to the score, ensuring that it feels both timeless and contemporary.

Paesano also made use of innovative techniques to create a more immersive experience. For instance, he employed spatial audio technology to give players a sense of being surrounded by the music, making the action sequences more intense and the emotional moments more impactful. This attention to detail and willingness to embrace new technologies set Paesano’s scores apart, making them a benchmark for future video game compositions.

A Score That Resonates

John Paesano’s scores for the PlayStation Spider-Man games have been lauded not just for their technical excellence, but for their emotional impact. His emphasis on strong, memorable melodies and narrative-driven compositions has set a new standard for video game music. Players and critics alike have praised the scores for their ability to enhance the gaming experience, making the heroic journey of Spider-Man even more immersive and emotionally engaging.

The acclaim received by Paesano’s work is a testament to his talent and dedication. By focusing on the power of melody and the art of musical storytelling, he has crafted scores that stand among the best in the superhero genre, both in video games and beyond. As the Spider-Man series continues to evolve, fans eagerly anticipate how Paesano will continue to push the boundaries of video game music, weaving new tales through his unforgettable compositions.


John Paesano’s contributions to the PlayStation Spider-Man games underscore the transformative power of music in storytelling. His scores are not just accompaniments but are vital to the narrative fabric of the games, enhancing every swing, leap, and battle with a profound sense of heroism and emotion. Through his work, Paesano has proven that video game music can be as epic and narratively rich as any film score, earning its place in the pantheon of great superhero soundtracks. As the series progresses, players can look forward to even more masterful compositions that will continue to elevate the Spider-Man experience to new heights.

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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes composer John Paesano explains how he went ape with his soundtrack

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes resonates with bestial power, from its photo-realistic performance capture effects to the layered sounds of the various ape factions that tear across the screen.

Much of the film’s visceral impact owes itself to composer John Paesano who was compelled to mix and match a host of musical styles stemming from the classic Apes franchise.

We caught up with John to discuss his approach to the movie, his collaboration with director Wes Ball and what it meant to acknowledge his compositional predecessors.

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Echoes of Evolution: John Paesano’s Musical Odyssey in ‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

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Much like its 2018 predecessor Marvel’s Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Miles Morales is getting a physical release of the game’s music in the form of double vinyl.

Both of Insomniac Games’ Spider-Man titles have been generally well-received by critics and fans alike, garnering high Metacritic scores. Spider-Man: Miles Morales has avoided the dreaded sophomore slump, so much so that many fans of the game believe Miles Morales deserves a full Spider-Man sequel.

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Capturing Tesla’s Spark: How Did John Paesano’s Score Illuminate the Inventor’s Electric Legacy?

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BAFTA Games Awards: John Paesano Takes Home Top Music Prize

BAFTA Games Awards: John Paesano Takes Home Top Music Prize

For his work on Miles Morales, Paesano won the 2021 BAFTA for Best music in a video game. Composer John Paesano, who returned to score the game after delivering an epic soundtrack for the first installment, doesn’t disappoint in the second outing either, this time mixing hip hop beats with the grand orchestral sound of the original.